Imparting a God centered and Human dignity oriented Education is the goal of our institution. I wholeheartedly welcome you to walk through our corridors or browse through the pages. Having the motto Ever Better one can cheerfully turn the pages of life positively with increased sense of optimism. My oft-repeated message has but two words: Joyful Learning!
All the students and every other stakeholder who step into Don Bosco School are welcomed with a message.By God’s Grace today I am happy. I am healthy. I am highly motivated. I am well prepared. I am cordial. I am innovative. Thanks to this Universe.
True to the spirit of St. John Bosco, our Father and Founder we hold dear his triune principles namely: Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness. Singular attention towards formation of the young persons in all dimensions becomes our focus and thousands have lived past through this great institution with zeal and enthusiasm.
I am appreciative of you and implore God’s choicest blessings as you accompany us in this noble venture. I firmly believe the loftiest goals of Education will have resurrection through us if we selflessly marched together. Mother Mary Help of Christians would certainly smile and bless our way.
Ways can be numerous but the end should be one. If only the divergent ways themselves coinciding to be one then the end would be achieved with greater ease and comfort. Let us be united in mind and heart and enjoy the calling: Learn always and enable joyful learning.
Fr. Robert Xavier Abraham SDB